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How can Avalara help you manage tax rates?

Managing tax rates manually is complex due to over 13,000 sales and use tax jurisdictions in the United States alone, each subject to frequent changes to rates and rules. A solution like Avalara can alleviate the burden and streamline this process by automatically researching and applying the more accurate tax rates and rules at the point of sale.

Does Avalara provide tax rate files for free?

Avalara provides state sales tax rate files for free as an offering aimed at companies with straightforward tax calculation needs. For businesses facing more complex tax scenarios or those with a higher potential tax liability, we recommend adopting automated solutions to enhance accuracy and ensure better compliance.

What is Avalara avatax?

Avalara AvaTax is an automated sales tax solution that works with your ecommerce, POS, or ERP system to calculate rates in real time. Businesses of all sizes can use AvaTax to calculate the correct amount of sales tax you need to pay or if you have any sales tax exemptions.

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